Recent Work
Boots UK Basket & Checkout
Mihai Costea was part of the engineering team developing the new React Basket & Checkout for Boots UK having the role of Technical Lead Developer.
Check this work on boots.com
WocasOnline project
WocasOnline is a project developed in Angular for a Dutch company for Housing Department.
Find out more about this Angular app on herculessoftware.nl
Marketplace developed from scratch
Built from scratch an entire marketplace using PHP and Angular (customers site and back office application).
Check this marketplace at ergoshop.ro
Wastebill App + website
Developed from scratch an online application for waste management for all Romanian companies.
More about the app and website at wastebill.ro
Portal for students
Developed Romania’s most extensive web page for students containing research materials from various domains.
Check this project at referatulmeu.eu
PIM shop platform
Developed customer’s website and back-office area for PIM, Romania’s foremost print shop.
Check this project at pim.ro
Hours Registration Tool for employees
Developed with Angular 11 on FE and PHP on BE, this tool is used by several companies for free. There is also a premium version available.
Check this project at pontajangajati.ro
ERP for the largest Typography in Northeast Romania
Built a complex web platform for one of the largest typographies of Romania, PIM company.
The web platform allows customers to be up-to-date with their order status cheking the flows which are apllied for their orders.
For the business the platform allows customer management, order management , flux management , invoices generation, price customisation , order placement by the customers, employees management etc.
Romanian Army ERP for invoices management
Developed and ERP for invoice management built with Larevel & NOVA for Financial Department of Romanian Land Forces.
Created a CRM application designed to streamline client, project, invoice, and ticket management. This platform is offered at no cost to Romanian entrepreneurs and can be accessed at https://digitalizarefirma.ro/aplicatie-bonus/
Financial Planning app: iOS, Android and Web.
“Money – Financial Planning” is an intuitive app designed to help you save for your dreams by easily managing and planning your budget, tracking expenses, and visualizing financial goals with detailed reports and graphs.
Built with Secnha Touch and deployed with Capacitor. (initially with Cordova)
iOS: Financial Planning on Apple Store
Android: Financial Planning on Google Play
Components management for the largest Typography in Nord-East of Romania, PIM SRL
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IT Academy - Courses for becoming a programmer
Find the complete list of Mihai Costea's portofolio
You can check a list of up to date projects built by Mihai Costea by visiting the Linkedin profile or the Cosmic Web company’s website in the portofolio section.